
Listed below: Marked-Up Edits, Developmental Edited Articles, Line Edited Articles

Marked-Up Edits

These are examples of actual edits and marks that I make when I edit. These are either handwritten with actual editors marks on the sheet or screenshots of a google/word document I left suggestions and comments on. Even further, I usually write up a memo after an edit, so I'll include those here too if applicable. 



Developmental Edited Articles

All of the following pieces are articles that I developmental edited for The Current. My responsibility was to examine all elements of writing. I honed in closely on structure, phrasing, flow, and I had to make sure the topic was well presented. This edit was made before any line edits were made for grammar. 



Line Edited Articles

Now, all of these are articles that I completed line edits for in The Current. The line edits were made after any developmental editors made changes. As a line editor, I analyzed each article line by line to get the most out of each and every word. My goals were to adhere to the AP style guide and keep syntax in mind while improving prose as a whole.

